17th 2002.
and a very Happy New Year to Arthur from Freddy, Fiona and James!
At last Arthur Edwards, who has been Freddy's personal photographer
all this time, has been rewarded for his services. The queen has
made Arthur, also The Sun's royal snapper, an M.B.E.

17th 2002
it’s nearly Christmas now and Freddy is crawling like it’s
an Olympic event. Thanks to his grandmother he has also learned
how to pout. Regrettably he has not been given any further instruction
about when one should pout, so it seems to have stuck as a form
of greeting even to his friend Arthur.
In the meantime
we have just returned from a relaxing time in Florida and Tennessee
where Freddy pouted and smiled at all the right people. He was
spoilt rotten by all his American friends, and by none more so
than the Adams family.
It has been something of a shock for him to return to his dark
and wintry homeland, where you have to wear socks all the time,
and where no one goes to the diner for breakfast, says how’re
y’all doin’ or tells you how cute you are. …
which is probably why the pout is threatening to become a permanent
and Fiona.